The big change for Mosimann this year was dying his hair blonde. Musically, he remained true to his electro-house style and invested heavily in a new studio in Paris. He has also branched out to compose for pop artists, and got a more mainstream project signed to Warner Music. One single for the label, 'Never Let You Go' feat. Joe Cleere, picked up more than four million streams this year.   “I also got my own weekly party concept at Amnesia, France and booked amazing artists like Loulou Players, Kolombo and Daddy's Groove,” Mosimann tells DJ Mag. “I hope I'll be able to export the concept to Ibiza one day!” Watch this space.

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    The big change for Mosimann this year was dying his hair blonde. Musically, he remained true to his electro-house style and invested heavily in a new studio in Paris. He has also branched out to compose for pop artists, and got a more mainstream project signed to Warner Music. One single for the label, 'Never Let You Go' feat. Joe Cleere, picked up more than four million streams this year. 

     “I also got my own weekly party concept at Amnesia, France and booked amazing artists like Loulou Players, Kolombo and Daddy's Groove,” Mosimann tells DJ Mag. “I hope I'll be able to export the concept to Ibiza one day!” Watch this space.
