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轻松学DJ▲ 早期的唱机_Early phonograph▼改良后的唱机_Improved phonograph

酒吧dj怎么学唱机的出现,使黑胶唱片成为了20世纪人们选择视听音乐方式的C位。50,60年代的DJ为了活跃派对气氛,增加派对的色彩,利用改良后的唱机,改变了歌曲的速度,不间断地连贯播放唱片里的音乐。With the advent of phonograph, black-tape has become the C-bit of Audiovisual Music in the 20th century. In order to activate the party atmosphere and increase the party color, DJ in the 1950s and 1960s used the improved phonograph to change the speed of the song and continuously play the music on the record.数码DJ器材Digital DJ Equipment双CD机Dual CD player

轻松学DJ随着WAV等数码格式的出现,数码设备逐渐开始普及。双CD机也就此横空出世。双CD机即方便DJ调整了歌曲间的节奏和速度,完美地衔接了每一首歌曲,也便于DJ在舞台上展现不一样的新奇技巧和玩法。With the emergence of WAV and other digital formats, digital devices are gradually becoming popular. Dual CD players came into being. Double CD player is convenient for DJ to adjust the rhythm and speed between songs, perfectly connect each song, and also for DJ to show different novel skills and play methods on the stage.数码CD机Digital CD player混音器MixerMixer Mixer

酒吧dj怎么学▲数码CD机_Digital CD Machine▼混音器_mixer

轻松学DJ进入80,90年代, 双CD机和改良后的唱机已经无法满足DJ技术技巧的更新换代,随之也就出现了更利于DJ操弄的数码CD机,以及使歌曲混搭到一起更为合适,极大提升MIX标准的混音器。也标志着DJ设备进入了全新数字化的时代。In the 1980s and 1990s, double CD players and improved phonographs have been unable to meet the upgrading of DJ technical skills. Accordingly, digital CD players, which are more conducive to DJ manipulation, and mixers that make songs more suitable and greatly improve MIX standards, have emerged. It also marks that DJ equipment has entered a new digital



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