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昨儿晚上临睡前,小编吃了一口 Diplo 和 Zedd 的瓜。

Diplo在推特上大战Zedd ,一夜之间这消息几乎是传遍整个EDM圈了,无论是粉丝还是制作人或者DJ,大家都在谈论这场从天而降的Beef。


Overnight, Twitter has absolutely exploded with some of the spiciest EDM beef we’ve seen in quite a while. Everyone knows that EDM fans, DJs and producers are quick to hop on anything that comes up, so this time, things have exploded !

Today we’re gonna be taking a look into the recent beef between the two super producers as well as a bit of their history in the realm of EDM beef. So get comfortable, grab your popcorn and watch as the situation unfolds.

Max Vangeil

其实这场beef的源头都要归结到一个人身上,那就是制作人 Max Vangeli。Max Vangeil 是一位House音乐制作人,来自摩尔多瓦。他在推特上面说,自己为了Diplo特地飞到香港去为他的演出做暖场表演,但是Diplo见到他只说了一句“Oh cool",然后就转身去和别的姑娘说话了。


这条推特正巧被Zedd 看到了,于是他迅速转发了这条推特并附上“真实性100%“的留言,并拉黑了Diplo。

这场 Beef 大战正式拉开序幕!

The internet seems to be glossing over the fact that Moldovan Progressive House producer Max Vangeli actually set off the beef in the first place, calling out Diplo for blanking him at a recent show in Hong Kong.

Vangeli was quick to put Diplo on blast via twitter.

互联网似乎掩盖了一个事实,即摩尔多瓦进步的众议院制作人Max Vangeli实际上开始了牛肉,首先唿吁在他在香港最近的一场演出中对他进行消隐。


Zedd took the opportunity to jump on the twitter train as soon as possible and reignite his longstanding beef with Diplo. Immediately following this, he decided to tune out and block the former Jack U member.


Zedd: 你说什么我听不见

Diplo 看见之后马上反击说如果 Zedd 在接下来24小时之内不把他的推特账号删掉的话,下一个Pusha T 事件马上就来了。不过到现在萌猴还是没有任何动静,我们只能静悄悄的等待了。

甚至连爱搞事的 Deadmau5 都劝 Max Vangeli 别看手机了,自己冷静一下先。

Diplo then responded by threatening to go “full Pusha T” on Zedd if he didn't delete his twitter account in the next 24 hours. So far Zedd has shown no sign of doing so, only time will tell how far this goes.

Even the perpetual troll Deadmau5 himself told Max Vangeli to get off twitter and think things through for a minute.

这并不是 Zedd 和 Diplo 第一次有过节了。在不久前,Diplo 就曾经嘲笑过 Zedd 出演的 M&M豆广告片,说“这也不是钱的问题”。

This isn’t the first altercation between Zedd and Diplo however. Not too long ago Diplo publicly made fun of Zedd’s track that was featured in an M&Ms commercial, telling him that “Its not all about the money”

Zedd 与 M&M豆

自那以后,Diplo还说“Grey"组合是Zedd的枪手,许多他的歌不是他自己写的。记者Diplo还挖出一段视频,宣称 Zedd最红的一首歌“Stay"是从一位不知名制作人那里抄来的。这两首歌确实有相似指出,但是盖棺定论是不是抄袭的很难界定,因为两者都用了比较热门的和弦和节奏。

总而言之,这场大战似乎 Diplo略胜一筹,因为 Zedd 到现在还没给出任何回应。不过我们会继续关注这场大战!

Diplo has since brought up claims of ghost production from duo “Grey” on Zedd’s recent work, which between two very prolific producers, is quite an accusation. Diplo has also dug up a video which alleges that Zedd’s hit track “Stay” with Alesia Cara was stolen from an track published by a little know producer in 2014. The tracks do seem to have immense similarities, but again, copying is music is tough to prove, as both use fairly popular chord progressions and rhythms.

All in all, it seems as though this might just fizzle out, with Zedd refusing to give any sort of response, in keeping with his moves in the past. Comment below who you think will win this EDM Beef!

从那时起,迪波就从ZEDD最近的作品中提出了两个“灰色”的鬼魂产生的说法。Pidio也挖出了一段视频,声称Zedd与Alesia Cara的流行歌曲“留下来”是在2014的一个小制片人出版的。这些曲目似乎有着巨大的相似之处,但同样,复制是音乐很难证明的,因为两者都使用相当流行的和弦进步和节奏。



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